Sunday, June 28, 2009

Windows Live Writer Test

I am trying out this program to write posts on my blog that I read about on Anne Sutton’s blog this morning.  I am not quite a ‘techy’, but after some research and playing around I got this far.  Now let’s see if I can figure out more.  I wanted to try it because Blogger doesn’t let me see my post as it is going to post and sometimes I have a real hard time getting it too look the way I want.  This program is letting me see it just as it will appear in my blog and has some other feature also…let’s try a few…

IMG_1079_edited-1 A picture of a quilt in progress. 

Wow lots more fonts available here!


Stage of Progress

Jelly Stars needs outside border
Ferne’s Sampler piecing the blocks together
Irish Chain get backing together

Well, I can see I could have a lot of fun just playing with the fonts and colors and tables…so much more to figure out though…like how to do the special effects with the pictures…this could be too much fun!

this has been fun and will add a lot more pizzaz to my blog in the future!  Thanks for sharing Anne of Bunny Tales!

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